This is a snake I made a while back. It started off as just a head and was going to be a puppet at one point. I think I actually started off making a shark. I'm gonna say that this sculpture was a journey from one thing to another.

What finally got me to finish this was an art show in New York City I was invited to attend. It's called Art Meso and I was a big part of it. I built a large tree that was the center piece of the show. I did NOT get this snake done in time for the show because of that tree, but the tree was more important. The snake was just a hopeful after thought. I was thinking about finishing this snake the entire time I was in New York. Below are some images of the making of the snake's body. I started out with a wooden base and a metal support rod. Then I built up foam around that. I shaped that foam, attached the head and coated the body in paper soaked with glue. I used folded over construction paper for its tummy.
I wish I had more process pics for you, but I get started and forget to stop sometimes. A closer look. I painted it red because I had extra red paint. (It's not always a deeper meaning.) I used some resin and let it drip to make the mouth look wet and drooly. I LOVE DROOL! The base is expanding foam and bits of astro turf scraps. I couldn't just have the casters underneath showing so I added a pleated skirt and tacked it on with some iron tacks. I made it a rattle snake because I just wanted the tail to be interesting and slightly more robust to prevent breaking.
All in all it was a really fun project that has taken up a lot of space in my garage for a wile. I'm still proud of this one. I look forward to making some other large snakes in the future. What do you think?